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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

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Study of Aragvadha (Cassia fistula Linn.) with special reference to phyto-pharmacological properties: An overview

Chauhan P., Tiwari R. C., 
Department of Agadtantra, Uttrakhand Aayurved University, Gurukul Campus, Haridwar, India
Bhutiani R. and Ahamad F.

Limnology and Ecological Modelling Lab. Department of Zoology & Environmental Sciences, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar – 249404, Uttarakhand, India


Cassia fistula Linn. is a plant of family febaceae. It is commonly known as golden shower, Indian laburnum, and rajvriksha. It has been popular as a common drug of choice for Ayurveda experts from ancient time due to its various therapeutic properties like laxative, hepato-protective, antibacterial, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, anticolic, antifertility, etc. and it useful in the management of many diseases like kushtha (skindiseases), jwara (febrile conditions), hridyaroga (cardiac problems), visarpa (herpes), vatarakta (gout), madhumeha (diabetesmellitus), arsha (piles), bhagandar (fistula in ano) etc. It is found in over all India and other adjacent countries, especially in Himalayan tract and outer Himalaya region. Its extract mainly contains Anthraquinone, fisulic acid, resins, flavinoids, rhein glycoside. Beside references from Ayurvedic classical texts, this article described researches which carried out on this plant for its clinical and pharmacological evaluation.

Cassia fistula Linn, anti-inflammatory, Ayurvedic formulations, Anthraquinone, madhumeha

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Chauhan, P., Tiwari, R. C., Bhutiani, R., & Ahamad, F. (2019). Study of Aragvadha (Cassia fistula Linn.) with special reference to phyto-pharmacological properties: An overview. Environment Conservation Journal, 20(1&2), 133-138.

Received: 29.11.2018

Revised: 28.03.2019

Accepted: 14.05.2019

First Online: 20.06. 2019


Publisher Name:  Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness (ASEA)

Print : 0972-3099           

Online :2278-5124