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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

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Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)-a climate resilient crop for food and nutritional security: A Review

Bhat S. , Nandini C., Srinathareddy S., Jayarame G. , Prabhakar

ICAR-AICRP on Small millets, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru- 560065, India


Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) is an important short duration crop that adapts well to varied climatic conditions and is grown worldwide for food, feed and fodder purposes. Due to its lowest water and nutrient requirement, it has the potential for agriculture diversification. Nutritionally, proso millet grains are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients compared to other staple cereals. Recently the demand of the crop has increased due to its highly nutritious grains. Thus it has the potential to provide both food and nutritional security. Despite enormous potential, the crop has not gained the popularity among masses and is still considered as poor man’s food. This work therefore is an attempt to compile the merge information available on crop history, phylogeny, germplasm resources, and present status to make the crop comprehensive and revamp its cultivation.

domestication, germplasm resources, nutritional value, phylogeny, proso millet

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Bhat S. , Nandini C., Srinathareddy S., Jayarame G. and Prabhakar (2019). Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)-a climate resilient crop for food and nutritional security: A Review Environment Conservation Journal20(3), 113-124.


Received: 03.08.2019

Revised: 24.09.2019

Accepted: 09.10.2019

First Online: 27.12. 2019



Publisher Name:  Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness (ASEA)

Print : 0972-3099           

Online :2278-5124