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"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

Conservation Journal

"An International Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment"


ISSN: 2278-5124 (Online) :: ISSN: 0972-3099 (Print)

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Efficiency assessment of effluent treatment plant (ETP) treating an automobile industry effluent (Sidcul) Haridwar

R. Bhutiani , Hari Pratap , Faheem Ahamad

Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar

Paritosh Kumar

Deptt. of Environmental Eng., Subharti University, Meerut

Pankaj Dutt Kaushik

Asst. Registrar, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar


Water is an integral part of life on this planet but nowadays this precious thing is continuously getting polluted due to different activities. Industrial sector is one and most polluting agent among all of them. The effluents generated from the automobile industries, creates an environmental hazard near the disposal site and in its vicinity. Workers are exposed to occupational and other health hazards when they are exposed to the air and drinking water, which may get polluted due to spraying of the paints. Mostly alkyd paint is used for painting process. A large amount of water is used and polluted during such industrial processes. Wastewater of the automobile industries not only contains high levels of suspended and total solids such as oil and grease and colouring, at various stages of manufacturing but also, a significant amount of dissolved organics, resulting in high BOD or COD loads. The study reveals the performance evaluation of effluent treatment plant and its treatability. During the present study the samples were collected from each site at an interval of 10 days from an automobile industry located in IIE, SIDCUL Haridwar. The collected samples were analysed for Temperature, Total solid, Total dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, pH, Dissolved oxygen, Biological oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand and oil & grease. During the present study oil & grease in untreated effluent ranged from 19mg/l to 28mg/l and in treated effluent from 1.9mg/l to 4.1mg/l. Chemical oxygen demand in untreated effluent ranged from 2300mg/l to 2700mg/l and in treated effluent from 38mg/l to 57mg/l. pH in untreated effluent ranged from 7.1 to 8.3 and in treated effluent from 6.7 to 8.3. The results revealed that the performance of effluent treatment plant of automobile industry is satisfactory.

Automobile industry, COD, Oil & grease, Efficiency

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Bhutiani, R., Hari, P., Faheem, A., Paritosh, K., & Kaushik, P. D. (2017). Efficiency assessment of effluent treatment plant (ETP) treating an automobile industry effluent (Sidcul) Haridwar. Environment Conservation Journal18(1/2), 95-102.

Received: 28.01.2017

Revised: 11.03.2017

Accepted: 22.04.2017

First Online: 15.06. 2017



Publisher Name:  Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness (ASEA)

Print : 0972-3099           

Online :2278-5124